CLI Toolset#


Since version 1.3.0 serialix has a built-in command line interface (CLI) toolset that can be accessed from terminal. It provides various tools for quick work with data interchange format files.

CLI module can be accessed with executing any of this commands:

$ serialixcli
$ python -m serialix.cli

Executing one of the above commands with no arguments or with the --help (-h) argument will print the help message with information about all available tools.




Tool for conversion between supported languages


serialixcli convert [-h] from_path from_format dest_path dest_format

positional arguments:
from_path    path to the file to be converted
from_format  format of the file to be converted
dest_path    desired path to converted file
dest_format  desired file format


Convert the existing file with name userlist.json in json format to new userlist.yaml file in yaml format

$ serialixcli convert userlist.json json userlist.yaml yaml
successfully converted "userlist.json" from "json" to "yaml" and saved the result to "userlist.yaml"