Installation Guide#

Before Installation#

About Structure#

serialix module comes with support for various languages parsers. Yet, not all of this parsers are natively available in python. By default, serialix will not install any external packages, so if your language is not in Supported Languages -> Native Support, you will have to specify the installation mode for serialix with this command:

pip install serialix[mode]

Where mode is one of the listed in Installation Modes options:

Installation Modes#


Will automatically replace the built-in json parser with ujson parser


Support for YAML language (version <= 1.2) with ruamel.yaml parser


Support for TOML language with toml parser


Install serialix with support for all external parsers listed above


Full installation with unit testing support (via pytest package)


For example, to install the serialix with ujson parser:

pip install serialix[ujson]

Install with pip#

How to install the serialix from PyPI:

  1. Run

    pip install serialix

Install from Github#

pip also supports installs from git repositories, so you can install this package directly from github.

To do this, run:

pip install git+


Installing via this link will download and install the latest available version of serialix package. To install the specific version of package you should add @vX.X.X to the end of git repo link. So, for example, you can install version 1.0.0 like this:

pip install git+

Install from source#

How to install serialix from source files:

  1. Download source files from github releases

For usage#


Due to how the deals with external dependencies, you can’t install this package properly by running setup directly from file:

python install
  1. Inside of the downloaded directory, run:

    pip install .


If you want to install serialix with support for any external package(-s), you can also specify it like this:

pip install .[mode]

For development#

  1. (Optional) Inside of the project folder prepare the virtual environment and activate it

  2. Install all dev dependencies with this command

    pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
  3. You’re ready to go. Good luck 👍